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Version: 1.14.x

Entry API to Update Data

The API provides several endpoints for updating labels of a record or multiple records in a single request.

Update Labels of a Record

The method allows to update labels of an existing record. It receives labels in headers that start with `x-reduct-label-``and updates the labels or adds new ones. If a header with a label is empty, the label is removed. Because the content of the record is immutable, the method doesn't expect a body, and the content-length header is required, but must be 0.

All existing labels not mentioned in the request stay unchanged.

The method needs a valid API token with write access to the entry's bucket if authentication is enabled.


  • Version 1.11: The method was introduced.
Update labels of a record

Update Labels of Multiple Records

This method allows to update labels of multiple records in a single request. A client should describe the records in headers according to the Batch Protocol. The content-length header is required but must be 0.

Existing labels not mentioned in the request stay unchanged.

Update labels of multiple records

Rename an Entry

To rename an entry, the request should have a JSON document with the new name.

If authentication is enabled, the method needs a valid API token with full access.


  • Version 1.12: The method was introduced.
Rename an entry