Entry API Specification Reference
The Entry API allows users to read, write, update, and delete data from their buckets. It also provides query operations to search for specific entries.
The API uses the following types of endpoints each with its own purpose:
- Single Record Endpoints - CRUD requests for reading and writing a single record. Which is simple and easy to use.
- Batch Endpoints - For reading and writing multiple records in a single request. It is more efficient for transferring large amounts of data.
- Query Endpoints - For querying data with filters and aggregations over a time range.
Batch Protocol
To reduce HTTP overhead when sending many small objects, ReductStore provides a batch model for writing and reading data. The meta information about records is serialized in a CSV line in the headers, and the content of the records is sent in the body of an HTTP request or response.
The HTTP header format:
is the UNIX timestamp of the record in microseconds.CONTENT_SIZE
is the size of the record content in bytes.CONTENT_TYPE
is the MIME type of the record content.LABEL-KEY1=LABEL-VALUE1
is the key-value pair of the record labels. If the value contains a comma, it should be enclosed in quotes.
Example of the HTTP headers:
x-reduct-time-1631540400000000: 1024,application/json,key1=value1,key2=value2,key3="[a,b,c]"
x-reduct-time-1631540400001000: 2048,application/json,key1=value1,key2=value2,key3="[a,b,c]"
The headers must be sorted by the timestamp in ascending order.
The content of the records is sent in the body of the HTTP request or response in the same order as the headers and concatenated without any separator. A client should use the content size from the headers to read the record content from the body.
The response may contain a list of records which were not processed due to errors. The list is serialized in the x-reduct-errors-<timestamp>
header in the following format:
is the UNIX timestamp of the record in microseconds.ERROR_CODE
is the HTTP error code of the error.ERROR_MESSAGE
is the error message.
On the server side you can control the parameters of batching by using the I/O Settings.
Entry API Endpoints
📄️ Run Query
HTTP Endpoints for running queries on an entry in the database.
📄️ Read Data
HTTP Endpoints for reading data from an entry in the database.
📄️ Write Data
HTTP Endpoints for writing data to the database.
📄️ Update Data
HTTP Endpoints for updating data in the database.
📄️ Delete Data
HTTP Endpoints for deleting data from an entry in the database.