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Version: 1.14.x

Entry API to Run Query

The API provides a single endpoint for running queries on an entry in the database to retrieve or delete data via a timerange, labels, and other parameters.


  • Version 1.13: the method was introduced.
Run a query on an entry

JSON Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object with the following parameters:

// Required. The type of query to run. Possible values are "QUERY" and "DELETE".
query_type: "string"

// Optional. The start UNIX timestamp of the query in microseconds.
// If not set, the query starts from the beginning of the entry.
start?: "integer"

// Optional. The end UNIX timestamp of the query in microseconds.
// If not set, the query continues to the end of the entry.
end?: "integer"

// Optional. A list of labels to include in the query.
// Only records with all the specified labels are included.
// DEPRECATED: Use "when" instead.
include?: "Dict[string, string]"

// Optional. A list of labels to exclude in the query.
// Records with any of the specified labels are excluded.
// DEPRECATED: Use "when" instead.
exclude?: "Dict[string, string]"

// Optional. A conditional query to filter records.
when?: "object"

// Optional. If true, the query will be strict and return an error
// if any of the conditions cannot be evaluated during query execution.
// If false or unset, the query will consider the incomplete condition to be false.
strict?: "boolean"

// Optional. Return a record every S seconds
each_s?: "float"

// Optional. Return only every N record
each_n?: "integer"

// Optional. The maximum number of records to return.
limit?: "integer"

// Optional. If true, the query will remain open
// for continuous data retrieval until TTL is reached.
continuous?: "boolean"


"query_type": "QUERY",
"start": 1630000000000000,
"end": 1630000001000000,
"when": {
"&label_name": { "$gt": 10 }
"limit": 100

If you use the when field in the query, read the Conditional Query Reference for more information.

Retrieve Records

If the query type is QUERY, the API returns a JSON object with the query ID:

id: "integer";

The query ID must be used to retrieve the query results. See the Get a Record from an Entry and Get a Batch of Records from an Entry sections for more details.

Delete Records

If the query type is DELETE, the API returns a JSON object with the number of records deleted:

removed_records: "integer";