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Version: 1.14.x

Quick Start With C++

This quick start guide will walk you through the process of installing and using the ReductStore C++ Client SDK to read and write data to a ReductStore instance.

Installing the C++ SDK

The ReductStore C++ SDK requires the following dependencies:

  • GCC >= 11.4 (support C++20)
  • CMake >= 3.22
  • ZLib
  • OpenSSL >= 3.0

To install the ReductStore C++ SDK, follow these steps:

git clone
cd reduct-cpp

# Run cmake configuration
cmake -S . -B build -DREDUCT_CPP_USE_STD_CHRONO=OFF # for linux
cmake -S . -B build -DREDUCT_CPP_USE_STD_CHRONO=ON # for windows

# Build
cmake --build build # for linux
cmake --build build --config Release # for windows

# Install
sudo cmake --install build

After installing the SDK, you need to link the ReductCpp library to your project. The following example shows how to do this using CMake:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)




target_link_libraries(quick_start ${REDUCT_CPP_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} OpenSSL::SSL OpenSSL::Crypto)

Running ReductStore

If you don't already have a ReductStore instance running, you can easily spin up one as a Docker container. To do this, run the following command:

docker run -p 8383:8383 -e RS_API_TOKEN="my-token" reduct/store:latest

This will start a ReductStore instance listening on port 8383 on your local machine. The RS_API_TOKEN environment variable is used to authenticate requests to the ReductStore instance. You can set it to any value you like, but you will need to use the same value when creating a Client object in your code.

If Docker is not an option, you can also download the ReductStore binaries. Check the Download Page.

Hello World Example

Now when you have the SDK installed and a ReductStore instance running, you can start using the SDK to interact with the ReductStore database. Here is an example of using the SDK to perform basic operations on a ReductStore instance:

#include <reduct/client.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

using reduct::IBucket;
using reduct::IClient;
using reduct::Error;
using sec = std::chrono::seconds;

int main() {
// 1. Create a ReductStore client
auto client = IClient::Build("", {
.api_token = "my-token"

// 2. Get or create a bucket with 1Gb quota
auto [bucket, create_err] = client->GetOrCreateBucket("my-bucket", {
.quota_type = IBucket::QuotaType::kFifo,
.quota_size = 1'000'000'000

if (create_err) {
std::cerr << "Error: " << create_err;
return -1;

// 3. Write some data with timestamps and labels to the 'entry-1' entry
IBucket::Time start = IBucket::Time::clock::now();
auto write_err = bucket->Write("sensor-1", {
.timestamp = start,
.labels = {{"score", "10"}}
}, [](auto rec) { rec->WriteAll("<Blob data>"); });
assert(write_err == Error::kOk);

write_err = bucket->Write("sensor-1", {
.timestamp = start + sec(1),
.labels = {{"score", "20"}}
}, [](auto rec) { rec->WriteAll("<Blob data>"); });
assert(write_err == Error::kOk);

// 4. Query the data by time range and condition
auto err = bucket->Query("sensor-1", start, start + sec(2), {
.when = R"({"&score": {"$gt": 10}})"
}, [](auto &&record) {
std::cout << "Timestamp: " << record.timestamp.time_since_epoch().count() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Content Length: " << record.size << std::endl;

auto [blob, read_err] = record.ReadAll();
if (!read_err) {
std::cout << "Read blob: " << blob << std::endl;

return true;

if (err) {
std::cerr << "Error: " << err;
return -1;

// 5. End
return 0;

Let's break down what this example is doing.

Creating a Client

Before you can interact with a ReductStore instance, you must create a Client object that represents a connection to the ReductStore instance.

To create a ReductStore client, you can use the IClient::Build fabric method from the reduct namespace. Pass the URL of the ReductStore instance you want to connect to as an argument to the method.

auto client = IClient::Build("", {
.api_token = "my-token"

Creating a Bucket

ReductStore organizes data into buckets, each of which has its own quota and settings. It's a necessary step to create a bucket before writing data to it. You can read more about buckets in the Buckets Guide, but for now, let's just create one.

To create a bucket, you should use the GetOrCreateBucket method on a Client instance. Pass the name of the bucket you want to create as an argument, along with settings. If the bucket already exists, the GetOrCreateBucket method will return it:

auto [bucket, create_err] = client->GetOrCreateBucket("my-bucket", {
.quota_type = IBucket::QuotaType::kFifo,
.quota_size = 1'000'000'000

if (create_err) {
std::cerr << "Error: " << create_err;
return -1;

In this example we create a bucket with a FIFO quota of 1GB. This means that the oldest data will be deleted when the bucket reaches 1GB.

Data Ingestion

Time series data is stored in entries within a bucket. An entry is a collection of records with unique timestamps. It must have a unique name within the bucket and usually represents a data source, such as a vibration sensor or a CV camera.

To write a timestamped record to an entry in a bucket, you should use the Write method on a Bucket instance. Pass the name of the entry you want to write to as an argument, along with the timestamp you want to write. Additionally, you can provide labels to the record to make it easier to query later.

The Write method will call a callback function with the WritableRecord instance to write to the entry:

IBucket::Time start = IBucket::Time::clock::now();
auto write_err = bucket->Write("sensor-1", {
.timestamp = start,
.labels = {{"score", "10"}}
}, [](auto rec) { rec->WriteAll("<Blob data>"); });
assert(write_err == Error::kOk);

write_err = bucket->Write("sensor-1", {
.timestamp = start + sec(1),
.labels = {{"score", "20"}}
}, [](auto rec) { rec->WriteAll("<Blob data>"); });
assert(write_err == Error::kOk);

This is the simplest case of writing data with the SDK. You can also stream data in chunks and annotate records with many labels. You can find more information and examples in the Data Ingestion Guide.

Data Querying

Usually, we don't read a particular record by its timestamp, but query records in a time range.

To iterate over all records in a given time range, you should use the Query method on a bucket instance. Pass the name of the entry to iterate over, and start and stop arguments to specify the time interval.You can also provide a when condition to filter records based on labels. Read more about the query syntax in the Conditional Query Reference.

The method will return a callback function with the ReadableRecord instance for each record in the time range:

auto err = bucket->Query("sensor-1", start, start + sec(2), {
.when = R"({"&score": {"$gt": 10}})"
}, [](auto &&record) {
std::cout << "Timestamp: " << record.timestamp.time_since_epoch().count() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Content Length: " << record.size << std::endl;

auto [blob, read_err] = record.ReadAll();
if (!read_err) {
std::cout << "Read blob: " << blob << std::endl;

return true;

if (err) {
std::cerr << "Error: " << err;
return -1;

The query method has many parameters for filtering and returning sample records. For more information and examples, see the Data Querying Guide.

Next Steps

As you can see to get started with the Client SDK is very easy. However,it doesn't cover all the features of the SDK and the database. Check our Guides to learn more about the ReductStore features and how to use them.