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Version: 1.8.x

🏗️ Azure Integration


ReductStore is now available as an IoT Edge module on the Azure Marketplace, providing Azure customers with the ease of deploying ReductStore's time-series database for blob data on IoT Edge devices.

This guide provides instructions on how to deploy ReductStore directly to your IoT Edge devices using the Azure portal.


Before beginning the deployment process, ensure that you have:

Deployment Steps

1. Access ReductStore on Azure Marketplace

Navigate to the ReductStore listing on the Azure Marketplace. This is your starting point for deploying ReductStore to your IoT environment.

2. Initiate Deployment

Click on "Get It Now" to start the deployment process. You will be prompted to sign in to your Azure account if you haven't already.

3. Select a Plan

Decide between the Community and Enterprise plans based on your requirements. The Community plan, free of charge for entities with finances below $2M, offers unrestricted usage and is open under the Business Source License (BUSL-1.1). On the other hand, the Enterprise Edition, suitable for larger firms, includes unlimited usage, free development use, and storage-based pricing, along with continuous support and guidance.

For more detailed information, please visit the pricing page.

4. Configure Deployment Settings

  • Subscription: Select the Azure subscription you wish to use.

  • Resource Group: Choose an existing resource group or create a new one.

  • IoT Hub: Select the IoT Hub connected to your IoT Edge devices.

  • Edge Device: Choose the edge device where you want to deploy ReductStore.

  • Container Create Options: Specify the settings for creating the container in the Azure IoT Edge module. At a minimum, these settings should include:

    "HostConfig": {
    "PortBindings": {
    "8383/tcp": [
    "HostPort": "8383"
    "Binds": [

For defining the correct environment variables and additional configurations, refer to the configuration page.

5. Review and Create

Double-check your configurations and click "Create" to initiate the deployment. The process may take a few minutes to complete.


Encounter issues? Here are a few common problems and their solutions:

  • Deployment Failures: Check the Azure Activity Log for detailed error messages. Ensure your IoT Hub and Edge devices are correctly set up and online.
  • Connectivity Issues: Verify that your network settings allow communication between your IoT Edge devices and ReductStore.
  • Missing Data: Ensure that your data is being sent to the correct port and that the data is in the correct format. For more information, see the HTTP API Reference.
  • Performance Issues: Check the CPU and memory usage of your IoT Edge device. If necessary, upgrade your device to a more powerful one.
  • Out of Memory Errors: Setup a FIFO quota for your IoT Edge device to prevent it from running out of memory. For more information, see the how-does-it-work page.

If you encounter any other issues, please contact us for assistance or join our Discord server to chat with our team.